Perspective Study

Perspective is very important in design life, when we draw a picture or design a house we need to use perspective to done it.

The definition of the Perspective in drawing is a system of representing the way that objects appear to get smaller and closer together, the further away they are.
When we draw a picture, we need to imaging how the building look,and the perspective.
The far point will diminishing in a point and will 
towards a single spot far ahead of us. 
This call One Point Perspective View.

refrence from:

The one point perspective point vie

After One Point Perspective is Two Point perspective
This perspective is very use full in doing building, because the position of two point perspective is the right and left have a point, and that 2 point is using a horizon line. The object usually look like a box, that's why we using it to design a building.

This is the 2 point perspective look like.

This is the real building we can found. We can see that have 2 point at the left and the right

After that, we have 3 point perspective. This type of perspective have relation with two point perspective, but 3 point perspective have add one more point at the top of object or bottom of the object. that can give us feel the building is very tall. 3 point perspective also show the low view point like worm view or high view point like bird view.

Picture show the 3 point perspective view

reference link: 

2.The drawing perspective picture

Perspective studies 2015 work doing with 1 point

Nando's Art work....with a... chicken...><

Trying drawing randow thing

star with 1 point

2 point perspective with boxed

3.Panting Using Perspective skill
I draw this art using worm view

adding basic color

adding more color

erm... what feeling now the pic look...thinking processing...

Find a reference to check it

doing the human face


Color process(Shoes)

add dirty color


Flow color

try to add shadow to everything

hehehe~ now is the time to add the lighting(smile)

1 point perspective final view

jiang jiang jiang~~ Final looking for my art

The 12 photo we shoot for the fore shortening.

Foreshortening drawing...

I draw a girl with bow 

In process... updating....

Final View

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